The Medicine Wheel

Posted by anne - October 11, 2013 - Uncategorized - No Comments

The Medicine Wheel

Director’s Address to the Graduates of 2013 by Anne Grossman

Today is National Aboriginal Day, so I have decided to use the Medicine Wheel to help explain the journey we have taken to reach the milestone we are celebrating today. (All information pertaining to the medicine wheel is based on the Aboriginal Medicine and Healing Practices from the University of Ottawa.)

The medicine wheel is divided into 4 quadrants: East, West, North and South.

The East represents the direction of the daily birth of the sun.  I associate this with the day you decided to come back to school to earn your mature high school diploma.  Remember that day?  I am sure some of you were scared, wondering if the experience was going to be like it was back in high school. Some of you probably questioned how am I going to do this with a full time job and a family?  Some of you probably walked in with a determination and readiness so strong, nothing was going to stop you from achieving your educational goal.  Regardless of your feelings that first day when you walked in and were greeted by a fiery red-head and a smiley Melissa, you made it through.  You stand here today as a Graduate of 2013 and that is to be commended.

As you embark onto new adventures in life, whether it is post-secondary education or a new job, or climbing the ranks at your current job, or whether you are going to solve today’s biggest mystery: What does rhyme with hug me?, remember that fear you felt on the first day and embrace the feeling of satisfaction and joy you are experiencing today.  All new things that are unknown bring fear but the outcome of persisting through those feelings often brings reward.

The South represents intellectual growth and that is exactly what you have been working on to reach this day.  You have hashed out research papers, math projects, essay writing, trigonometry, portfolios, oral presentations, algebra, novels and the list goes on.  All of the late nights doing homework and weekends dedicated to school paid off. Take this work ethic with you to your future endeavors and always continue to learn, because learning brings you good health, an enhanced family life and allows you to be a positive contribution to society.

The West represents adulthood and introspection.  Miriam-Webster defines introspection as a reflective looking inward: an examination of one’s own thoughts and feelings.  I am positive you have all done a lot of introspection as you were working through many of your assignments.  Is this worth it?  If I get this done – look at how many doors this will open. You will encounter other difficult moments in life.  I encourage you to always examine how you are feeling and keep your focus on the end zone – keeping in mind the goal you are trying to reach.

The North represents the spiritual aspects of life.  This is my first year in adult education and I wasn’t sure what to expect in regards to school climate.  I am so proud to say that staff and students become family-like in the short time that you are at AEC.  The teachers and I met on Tuesday for a staff meeting and we talked a while on how the school climate is positive and how close we have all become.  From outings to the Museum of Human Rights, to hearing Voices at the Faces building, to dressing up in pink to support diversity, I am confident that you, as have I, have created some memorable moments at AEC. I thoroughly enjoyed say good morning to you as you walked into the building, our conversations we had during the day, working with some of you on Math or Biology and wishing you a wonderful day or evening at the end of your class time.  Whether you’ve been called “Sweetie” by Ruby or whether Joe has responded to one of your stories with a cool 70’s “Sweet” I encourage you to take these memories with you in whatever you decide to do in life and my wish for you is to continue to make new memories.

The North also represents old age and wisdom.  As you move forward from this day on, whether it is to raise a family, seek a university degree or a college diploma, or to find employment or move up the ranks in the job you currently have, know that we are very proud of your accomplishment and that you have already demonstrated your wisdom by achieving your high school diploma today.

On behalf of the AEC staff, I thank you all for the awesome memories and I congratulate every one of you for achieving your Mature High School Diploma.

Congratulations Class of 2013!!

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